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Adult CircumcisionCircumcision

Adult Circumcision Price , Recovery & Methods – Everything you need to know

By December 17th, 2024No Comments

Every man who is considering getting circumcised will want to know the costs, procedures, and expectations of adult circumcision.

fret not , here is complete guideline and all-you-need-to-know article about circumcision specifically adult circumcision in Malaysia

Did you know circumcision is world’s oldest planned surgical procedure. it is believed to be over 15,000 years old, pre-dating recorded history.

circumcision price

What is Circumcision ?

The surgical process of removing a penis’ foreskin is known as circumcision.

Excessive skin covering the head of a soft, flaccid penis is called foreskin. The foreskin, however, pulled back to expose the penis’s head when the penis is erect.

To generate a shorter stretch of skin, a doctor performs a circumcision by removing part of the foreskin and reattaching the remaining portion.

What are benefits of Circumcision ?

There are several reason why people decide to undergo circumcision

  1. Religion– The most common reason is due to Religion or Culture – For example, Jews and Muslims are well-known religions that demand male followers undergo circumcision.
  2. Better hygiene
    In uncircumcised penis, Oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells can accumulate under the foreskin and develop into a whitish and smelly smegma
  3. Medical Cause
    Some people who develop ” Phimosis ” , a condition which the prepuce/ foreskin unable to retract fully might treat it with circumcision . Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection also can be controlled or treated permanently by undergo circumcision
  4. Prevention of Illness
    Circumcision proved to reduce significantly the risk for a quite number of medical illness such as Penile Cancer , Phimosis , Sexual Transmitted Diseases , HIV infection , HPV infection and Penis infection such as balanitis and balanophosphitis

Is circumcision common in Malaysia?
The majority of circumcisions in Malaysia are carried out for religious purposes or due to phimosis – condition which not able to pull back the foreskin of penis. However, due to hygienic and medical reasons, circumcision has become more common among Malaysians, regardless of race or religion.

When is the best time to do circumcision?

Which age is best for circumcision?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question .
Nonetheless, Muslims in Malaysia typically choose to undergo circumcision between the ages of 6 and 12.
Some of them would rather have their infant circumcised between the ages of seven days and one year.

As for general population , Adult Circumcision is quite popular , followed by children circumcision

What are the methods for Adult Circumcision ?

There are various methods introduced today in the market .
But the popular methods for Adult Circumcision in Malaysia are

  • Stapler Circumcision Method
    -This is the newest technique, which uses a disposable medical device designed to remove foreskin quickly, effectively, and safely.
    -Stapler circumcision is thought to be the best approach for adult circumcision since it carries a lower risk of infection, bleeding, undercutting, and other common complications than other traditional methods.
  • Laser Method.
    – Conventional / Traditional Method
    – The term “laser” does not refer to a “lightsaber” cut on the foreskin. It’s actually a technique where the foreskin is clamped before being sliced with a diathermy to ensure a clean, bloodless excision.

stapler circumcision price
This is Stapler Circumcision
laser circumcision price
This is the Laser Method – No real ” Laser” used

Stapler vs Laser Circumcision ?

Both methods have Pros & Cons :

PROS– Fast procedure
– Sutureless
– Faster Healing
– Safest method
– Able to do routine activity after 1-2 days
– Aesthetic
– Commonest Method
-Cheaper comparatively
– Operator Dependent
– Easier to treat complication
CONS– Higher cost
– Only can be done by experienced doctor
– suture- sometimes cause discomfort
– slower healing
– higher chances for complication comparatively

Learn about Baby Circumcision in Klinik Tuah

Adult Circumcision Price in Malaysia

When having a circumcision, cost is always the first factor to take into account.
Did you know that adult circumcision costs in Malaysia are still regarded as reasonable, ranging from Rm 800 to Rm 4000? Perhaps it is because circumcision is so common in our nation.

In UK & US , average price for Adult Circumcision is between RM 8000- RM15,000 . hence, it is no surprise many foreigner came to our country just for a circumcision.

Below table is the average price range of circumcision

Type of Anaesth\ MethodsSTAPLERLASER
Local AnaesthesiaRM 1800- RM 4500RM 800-RM 2000
General AnaesthesiaRM 5000- RM 7000RM 3000- RM5000

Disclaimer : Price may varies according for each institution (clinic/ hospital) – The price range stated above to give an idea about the estimated budget for Adult Circumcision

Learn about Adult Circumcision in Klinik Tuah Price & Promotion

There are several circumcision clinics in malaysia that provide stapler and laser circumcision, generally the cost is cheaper compare to the hospital.

Risks of Adult Circumcision

The most common risks or complication of circumcision are

  1. Bleeding
  2. Infection

However , there are some rare complication that can happen to your penis

  1. Undercut or overcut – foreskin may be cut too short of too long
  2. Head of penis injury – wound inflicted to head of penis
  3. Chordae – abnormal curve of penis

Therefore, finding the best surgical physician to conduct your circumcision is crucial. Adult circumcision differs slightly from that of babies and adolescents as the doctor must take the size of the penis’ growth and erection into account before determining the cutting mark.

Learn about our team’s accomplishments, having performed circumcision on over 1600 individuals annually.

Preparation for circumcision

  1. MENTAL – Be Calm , smile :)
  2. KAIN PELIKAT/ LOOSE PANTS – bring a loose pants or track suits or kain sarong. after circumcision you don’t want your pants to tight and keep pressing your newly circumcised penis
  3. DRIVE/ WALK- yes you can still drive and walk as usual after circumcision.


  1. The doctor usually will explain to you regarding the procedure
  2. u will lie down on your back on the procedure table
  3. areas of interest will be cleaned with antiseptic solutions.
  4. a local anaesthesia injection will be given at the base of the penis , u will experience a slight discomfort during the injection. however the discomfort only last for few seconds .
  5. After the local anaesthesia effect kicks in , your foreskin will be retracted to inspect the head of penis surrounding and clear the whitish material (smegma) .
  6. Doctor will measure and mark the cutting level for your penis . then an excision will be made according to circumcision method ( Laser or Stapler)
  7. In Stapler Method : An incision will be made on your foreskin to facilitate inner bell insertion. Once the inner bell is inserted and its correct position is confirmed to cover the glans penis it will be fixed to the foreskin by using a surgical tie. Then , the inner bell is screwed into the outer bell . Safety pin is removed and the stapler will be fired and held for 4 minutes to make sure clean cut of the foreskin and compression of superficial blood vessels. Inner bell will be slowly released after that to ensure complete transaction of the foreskin and absolute absence of any bleeding points.
  8. In Laser Method : a clamp will be applied at mark made before, a diathermy will be used to excise the foreskin along the mark. Then , any bleeding point will be stop with hemostasis . A suture will made to approximate the skin and mucous membrane around the penis.
  9. The penis will be clean and antiseptic cream may applied.
adult circumcision

Follow Up

Wounds will usually be left open and patients will be taught on how to carry on a proper wound care. In Stapler Circumcision , the staples that are held together by a silicon cascade will detach after 14days
In Laser Circumcision , suture will be wear off by itself after 1-2 weeks .

Patients are usually advised not to practice any kind of sexual intimacy until a period of 1 month is passed.

A note from Klinik Tuah

Circumcision should be a pleasant and smooth experience for everyone.
There are numerous benefits of circumcision. Circumcision can also reduce or prevent certain diseases, like urinary tract infections

Last but not least, if you’re considering adult circumcision or even circumcision for your young ones, be sure to give us a visit . Book an appointment with us today to find out more!

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