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Adult CircumcisionCircumcision

The Essential Guide to Adult Circumcision:  Snip, Snip, Hooray!

By October 8th, 2024No Comments

Adult circumcision can be quite a taboo subject to be publicly discussed. While parents eagerly talk about their children’s circumcision every time school holidays come around, grown men might receive some side-eye for mentioning it. But why do they feel embarrassed to talk about this topic? Is it because it feels too late for them to consider circumcision? Or is it simply too “private” to discuss in public? Or maybe it is related to men’s egos?

Well, no need to worry! We are ready to help you get to the bottom of this! Just like a little guidebook you have seen before. In this guide, we will explain what this topic is all about, why some adults choose to get it, and what you can expect when you get it. Let’s get started!

adult circumcision guide

It’s no longer just for those with strong cultural traditions or religious beliefs. These days, adults are opting for circumcision for several reasons that go beyond just “doing it because everyone else is.” Here’s why:

Imagine this, you learn your foreskin is so tight it feels like a pair of jeans two sizes too small. That’s phimosis for you—when your foreskin won’t retract from the penis head. Not exactly ideal, right?

Image shows phimosis and normal penis

Or maybe you are tired of visiting the clinic to get your infection treated. It’s almost like the infection is your regular guest you are now sick of.

In these cases, circumcision can be a bit like giving your body a maintenance check-up. Think of it as hitting the reset button to avoid constant repairs and get back to feeling comfortable.

Let’s face it: personal hygiene can be a hassle. For guys, it often means pulling back the foreskin for a thorough clean.

Not exactly the most fun task, right? Some might skip it completely. As a result, it become a breeding ground for bacteria—LOTS of bacteria!

This increases the likelihood of infections like balanitis. Why go through the hassle and potential pain when there’s an easier option?

Circumcision makes life easier by getting rid of the need to always clean under the foreskin. Easier cleanup? Yes, please!

For some, it’s all about tradition. Whether it’s a rite of passage or a religious requirement, these deeply rooted practices still hold significant value.

For example, in Islam, it is compulsory for every Muslim man to be circumcised. It’s a tradition that symbolizes cultural and religious values and is an important aspect of identity and heritage.

And then some simply consider circumcision due to its aesthetic reasons. It’s all about what makes you feel good and comfortable.

So, you’re probably wondering, “What’s the difference between traditional and modern circumcision?” Here’s a quick rundown:

  • Traditional Circumcision: Traditional circumcision, often performed by a Tok Mudim in Malaysia, involves manual and sacred methods. The Tok Mudim typically uses a knife or other simple cutting tools, relying on techniques passed down through generations.

    This procedure is often done without modern anesthesia, with the focus on cultural rituals and community involvement. It’s all about preserving customs and tradition, though it may not offer the same level of precision and comfort as modern methods.
Image show Stapler device which is a tool for adult circumcision
  • Modern Circumcision: Just like the word “modern”, the operation must be greatly assisted by machines and technologies. Similar to circumcision, high-tech tools, and local anesthesia are used for more precise and comfortable procedures.

    Modern methods like laser circumcision and stapler circumcision enhance efficiency and are minimally invasive. These techniques prioritize comfort and quick recovery times. It’s like upgrading from an old laptop with a slow processor to a high-speed gaming laptop—more convenient and accurate.

Read More About Circumcision Method Here

Let’s walk through the process of modern adult circumcision so you’re not left wondering what’s going on:

The first step in the adult circumcision is all about getting everything ready for a smooth procedure. The area is carefully clean up and sterilized to prevent any infection.

Then local anesthesia is applied, to let you have pain-free experience. The anesthesia numbs the area so that you won’t feel uncomfortable and experience the procedure as painless as possible, you won’t damage your vocal cords.

Now for the main event. With the area prepped and numb, the surgeon steps in with their trusty circumcision tools (like staplers or laser machine) and gets to work. It’s a bit like trimming a bush (pun intended), but with a lot more care and precision.

The surgeon works with detailed attention, making sure to leave everything in the best condition possible. The whole thing usually takes about 30 minutes—perfect timing for a quick power nap. You will wake up refreshed (well, maybe)!

With the foreskin now removed, it’s the end of the procedure. The area is stitched up and bandaged like a pro, ensuring everything heals up nicely.

You’re done! It’s time to relax and let your body handle the rest. Just follow the aftercare tips from your surgeon, and you’ll be back to your usual self in no time. Your body is now ready to get back to business with a little extra comfort.

Just like any other medical procedure, you might feel uncomfortable. But it won’t disrupt your entire life. You might experience soreness and swelling for a few days, but everything will soon return to normal.

Recovery usually takes about a week for most activities. Full healing can take a bit longer, but with proper aftercare, you’ll be back to normal in no time. No need for drastic lifestyle changes—just follow your doctor’s advice and give yourself some tender, loving care.

To help you through the recovery process, here are some essential steps to follow;

Circumcision isn’t just about the basics. You might encounter some unexpected benefits of adult circumcision;

Keeping things clean gets a whole lot easier and simpler. Less fuss, less work, and a much simpler hygiene routine.

Circumcision can lower your risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). A 2013 study found that about 32% of uncircumcised men experienced UTIs, compared to just 8% of circumcised men. Think of it like adding an extra layer of protection to your personal gear—nobody wants the stress of UTIs, which can lead to bigger issues like kidney damage or sepsis.

Image shows UTI which is the risk of uncircumcision.

Circumcised men might have a lower risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. But remember, it’s not a free pass—safe sex practices are still essential. Consider circumcision as a helpful sidekick in your overall health strategy, not the hero of the story.

Though penile cancer is rare, circumcised men have a lower risk of it. Plus, there’s a bonus for their partners too—reduced risk of cervical cancer for women. It’s like a win-win situation where everyone benefits from a little extra protection.

Sometimes, it’s all about personal taste. Some men and their partners simply prefer the appearance or sensation of being circumcised. It’s a bit like choosing between classic and modern styles in fashion—it’s all about what suits you best.

No procedure is without its risks, and circumcision is no exception. But before you panic, here’s what you should know:

Infection: It’s a rare hiccup, but infections can happen. Keeping things clean and following aftercare instructions is your best bet to avoid this hiccup.

Bleeding and Swelling: A bit of swelling and some bleeding is part of the deal. Bleeding too much isn’t on the agenda, so just stick to your post-op care instructions, kick back, and let your body do the work.

Scarring: You might end up with a scar, but don’t worry—it’s usually minor and fades with time.

Reduced Sensation: There might be a permanent reduction in sensation at the head of the penis. It’s a trade-off, but many find that the benefits outweigh this change.

Image depict a couple to illustrate will adult circumcision affect sexual life?

Wondering how circumcision might impact your bedroom activities? Here’s the scoop:

Most men don’t experience major changes in sexual function or pleasure. In fact, many find that the improved cleanliness and comfort can enhance their experience. There might be a short adjustment period during healing, but once that’s behind you, things should be back to normal.

You’ll want someone with experience and a good reputation in choosing a surgeon. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and do your research. Your goal is to find a professional who makes you feel comfortable and confident in their skills.

Ultimately, choosing to get circumcised is a personal decision. If you’re considering it for medical reasons, cultural practices, or personal reasons, make sure to weigh the pros and cons and talk to a healthcare professional.

Remember, it’s your body and your choice. Make an informed decision, and know that whatever you choose, you’ve got all the information you need to make the best decision for yourself.

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